Social responsibility

EFS supports the 10 principles of the Global Agreement which deal with human rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption. Not only we respect these basic principles, but we also try to upgrade them in the framework of our activity. As a member of the local network of the Agreement, we vow to incorporate these principles as part of our Company’s development strategy, culture and everyday operations. Our company incorporates the principles of social responsibility in all its activities and aims to improve the quality of life. EFS efforts can be grouped into four main areas: consumers, employees, environment and society.
Consumers | Employees | Environment | Society

Always responsible!

Our consumers are in the first place. We continuously strive to keep our focus on our consumers through our daily procedures. We transformed the way we serve. We have implemented modern information systems which automate processes and make information transparent and accessible in order to respond quickly and qualitatively to all consumer needs. We also opened our Customer Relations Center which is accessible 24 hours a day throughout the year. Our consumers have the opportunity to get information for services and supply interruptions through a unique contact point. Based on information analyses provided by our consumers, we prepare grid upgrade plans and improve the quality of electricity supply.

Our employees are the other important element in the EFS strategy. We established the EVN Academy as a special internal center of education. Trainings at the Academy include topics related to various issues, such as: customer relations, foreign languages, technical training, as well as protection at work. We are one of the largest employers in the Republic of North Macedonia and we continuously create new jobs. Every year we offer internship programs for interns from universities in North Macedonia. The special employment program is the so-called Trainee, through which 70 young people have already gained the opportunity to acquire practical experience and knowledge. The program intends the creation of new skilled staff through mentors and rotation in more departments and Customer Centers.

Another element of our strategy is the protection of the environment. This field consists of more specific projects, including the protection of bird habitats in the grid, hazardous material avoidance from transformer stations, as well as waste avoidance responsibility.

Society is a very important question and topic for us. As a company, the activity of which influences on a large number of lives, we are aware of the responsibility we must bear in fulfilling our duties. We support events related to local traditions, invest in the promotion of sport and health, and cultivate the idea of equal treatment of all participants in society. We are particularly committed to raise awareness for rational use of electricity. We are working on a special project titled: “School project” for the purpose of which we visited all schools in all municipalities of the country and educated students about the importance of rational and safe use of electricity in their homes.